There is a Castle #20 – Kyodania

There is a castle so huge no one has walked from one side to the other and returned to tell the tale. It houses forests, mountains and seas, rooms within rooms, and cities and civilisation that has never gone beyond the four walls of their room. Beyond the villages, towns and cities there are the vast wildernesses of the Roomlands where dwell many dangers, including the walking towers known as the Rooks that are mysterious and strange. And beyond that the Empire of Kyodania with its own breed of Rooks and other monsters.

Welcome to the world of Colostle.

Previously: The trio leave the Temple of the Stone Face, enter the crackways and find a trio of Malek’s knightly brethren before arriving in the Fangs of Fire Mountain Range.

Malek’s Journal Entry #14:

Dear journal,

Remind me again that I prefer to travel solo (excluding Pod). Having travel companions is such a headache. First of all Rikona just wants to sleep, so the brisk early start Aekmi and I agreed on became a slow meander mid-morning. And I had to give up the better parts of my breakfast because Akemi “couldn’t let the poor girl starve”. What sort of adventurer goes up a fiery mountain with no food, little water, no bedding and only sandals? And what sort of adventurer doesn’t say thank you when permitted to ride such an illustrious Mount like Pod? At least Akemi was grateful, though I would prefer to eat my breakfast in peace and get to eat the bits I enjoy without being bothered. Pod is suspiciously silent on the whole thing.

The Rooks out here are huge. Like, enormous. And really spindly. And they’re everywhere! We saw 3 today and Pod and I decided that with a little old lady and our latest companion who wouldn’t dismount that we would not be going toe to toe with them. So that was fun, because for the rest of the day Rikona kept asking if we were really knights if we were too cowardly to face a monster. It’s not cowardly to decide your opponent is too big to face on your own. It’s tactically sound, right?

We did, however, see a sky ship floating above us for a bit going somewhere else. It was so cool, looking like it was made of bits of a Rook but gliding away on the wind. Akemi says there is a place called the Skylands on the other side of the Archipelago, so I’m looking forward to exploring that, unless we find the Seastone before then and rescue everyone so we can go home (maybe we’ll stay a little longer). Rikona didn’t think much of it, I hope we find what she was looking for soon so we can go on our merry way. Pod says I shouldn’t be rude and that she’s a guest, but I’m so tired of walking. There is a reason I have a Mount and that’s so I don’t have to walk miles in a day!

We also found one of the huge Roomland Doors just sat out in the middle of a rocky shelf. I was all for exploring through that but Rikona suddenly had a recollection that what she was looking for was within this room and definitely not through the door. So much drama. Akemi and I shared a look that I swear was “lets get rid of her” but Pod wouldn’t let us try. I’m starting to like the old woman, but don’t tell her I told you that. And Akemi, if you’re reading this, you’re a terrible person with no concept of privacy. Go away.

Goodnight journal. Goodnight Pod. This whole walking thing is terrible, I don’t feel like a knight at all right now. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

P.S. Pod tells me that avoiding walking miles in a day isn’t the reason I have a Mount. I have a Mount because I’m going to be a proper Knight one day and we’re going to be the best team. And that I didn’t pick my Mount, I was chosen instead. I feel a bit better now.

P.P.S. Pod reminds me to apologise to Akemi for being a grumpy ass in the morning. I’ll try. Rikona winding me up isn’t a reason to be mean. I hate that Pod is the more mature one of our duo.

P.P.S. I don’t hate that Pod is the more mature one. I’m glad I’m not on this journey alone.

This adventure was generated using the solo journalling game Colostle, created by Nich Angell. The game is played using a notebook, your imagination and playing cards to create prompts during your Exploration phase and to resolve Conflict should it arise. For more information or to purchase your own digital or hardcopy of the rules, visit Further modules are available through the Colostle Patreon, and in the expansions “The Roomlands” or “Kyodaina“.

One response to “There is a Castle #20 – Kyodania”

  1. […] Previously: Malek has a rough day travelling with Pod, Akemi and Rikona. […]

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