My dearest Cecily … (Spring)

Once upon a time, a sixteen-year-old trainee witch woke up smelling treacle tarts and with dreams of colourful banners on crumbling walls. It was time for her journey. Leaving Indara with her trusty familiar Opal (a moth) and a fallen star in a jar in her much-loved jeans, she flies to the city of Koriko and there her adventures begin. 

And so begins our story …

Previously: Kit and Opal start to settle in and make friends

My dearest Cecily,

Thank you for sending me the spring of cherry blossom to show that Spring has finally sprung. I never thought I’d miss the signs of Spring, but here in Koriko the seasons seem to come in slowly. I was so excited to have it come (how it survived the journey I do not know, but the amount of tape in your package must have made it indestructible! It took Opal and I a good five minutes to get into it with Nessa’s good scissors!) that I ran to find Lerado and Gilly (since Nessa was out). They were so excited to see it that they invited me round to their for tea and I spent ages at their house playing board games (you know my weakness). I think you’d love them, especially Gilly, and their house is so pretty. Hark’s also been nice to me and gave me a potions lesson using dried herbs (don’t worry, I took notes for Aunt Yarrow) and she seems more accepting of my existence. I still think she’s a bit grumpy that Koriko has a new witch, but given the customers I’ve had recently I’m sure she doesn’t miss dealing with them! One of my customers is awful and thinks because they pay me money they can just pop in as they like and expect me to make them up a brew whenever they want it, rather than waiting for the right conditions/fresh herbs/actual time to work on something as I usually have another project on the go. But they pay really well, so I’m torn. What should I do Cecily? You were always better at handling people than I am. Opal thinks I should direct them to this new non-magical tea shop that sells boxed tea with “healing properties“ like it can be made in big batches, and then just ditch them. I’m not convinced yet. 

Oh, I also got to go to a party at Miss Poppy’s residence, but we ended up taking treats outside into the garden after her guests were unkind to us. A glass of juice was involved (not tossed by me!) and everyone got really upset about it, but at least they stopped thinking I was the evening’s entertainment. I think the Butler spotted us on our excursions to the desserts table, but I don’t think he’ll tattle on us.

I met a new friend when I was out foraging near the aqueduct (please can you ask Aunt Yarrow to send me a box of Sneezewort? I’m running out and can’t find anything locally). I found his little covered wagon all covered in carvings and grotesques like you find on the way markers and in the caves near home, and he startled me by appearing from the bushes. He’s called Foley and keeps mostly to himself, but does little cravings and makes things that are really beautiful. I’ll ask him to make you something when he’s finished his current work list, but he made me a small beaded bracelet as we sat watching the rain fall when we met. I’ve included a sketch because words don’t do it justice. Nessa says he’s an odd sort but harmless and if he makes you something he likes you. Nessa has some pretty spoons he made her once, but everyone does like Nessa. 

I also met a chap heading out on an adventure to an old Koriko location to see if it’s okay for a future migration. He was so lovely telling me why it was so important and what the place was rumoured to be like that I made him a special blend of Courage and Tireless tea (your favourite walking one with the ginseng in it) and gave him a first aid kit. Hopefully he won’t need any of it on his journey.

I think I met the spirit of the city, but I can’t be sure. Something about this place is more than it seems.

Love your face,


This adventure was generated using the solo RPG game Koriko: A Magical Year, created by Jack at Mousehole Press. The game is played by exploring the seasons of a year in the city of Koriko through the eyes of a teenage witch (inspired by many things including “Kiki’s Delivery Service”). For more information check out Mousehole Press’s website with links to the page and the Kickstarter (which is now closed).

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