There is a Castle #1

There is a castle so huge no one has walked from one side to the other and returned to tell the tale. It houses forests, mountains and seas, rooms within rooms, and cities and civilisation that has never gone beyond the four walls of their room. Beyond the villages, towns and cities there are the vast wildernesses of the Roomlands where dwell many dangers, including the walking towers known as the Rooks that are mysterious and strange.

Welcome to the world of Colostle.

Malek’s Journal Entry #1:

The commander has instructed me to keep a journal of my adventure, for the archives, since none have returned from Crag’s End to tell the tale. The Lore Keeper says there are many records that indicate a powerful artefact is located somewhere out to sea from the small village of Crag’s End. The commander has sent me out to investigate – my first proper mission as a Squire of the Order – I’m so excited!

But first, serious business. This journal is supposed to be a record of my mission after all. For the record I, Malek, son of Erik, am the rider of Pod. Pod is a two-legged Mount and has many riders in his saddle, but he’s a sturdy old thing and looks a lot happier once I cleaned off the latest batch of ivy that had taken hold in his joints. We set out from Parapette five days ago and came to the village of Crag’s End yesterday evening. It was an eerily quiet place, with only a few buildings made from Rook stones and a cramped tavern, perched precariously on top the high cliffs. Honestly, I don’t know why these people haven’t left. The barkeeper told me that Crag’s End has always been a draw for Rook Hunters, and is the safest beach to head out towards Crown Isle, but no one ever comes back so the inhabitants of the town no longer want to do any trade with us Rook Hunters. They even go so far as to shut their doors to us and pretend we’re not there when we come through, only the barkeeper daring to meet the strangers in their midsts to give advice and a last meal before sending us on our way. He was such a sad fellow, I felt rather guilty asking him all about Crown Isle and the missing people. Apparently the town is cursed and I am now cursed, but I feel fine. Pod looks no different to normal. Maybe they’re just being superstitious and silly. But then again, no one ever goes back there.

For records sake, the chap did mention about a recent traveller who came through, a young woman called Aanya with dark hair and a thirst for adventure. Maybe I’ll find out what happened to her on the way?

I should have written this journal entry last night, but it was too cold and dark by the time Pod and I settled down to rest. Pod makes quite a good tent when he settles and is draped in our tarp, making a good wind break for the fire and a roof over my head. I don’t think he minds, but I’ve never actually asked him. I wonder if anyone else used him like this on their adventures. The morning came with a rolling fog and visibility was pretty poor. I was told that Crown Isle is two days due north of the beach, but I have no map that shows the location to check. After picking our way down the cliffs to the beach, where there was an abandoned mount waiting for a rider, Pod and I made our way out into the sea. We were chosen for this adventure because Pod has good sea legs and has shown to be quite happy out in the waves in the past. This is my first time, so I’ve spent much of today clinging to my saddle and trying to give some direction, but the compass has proven useless with all the strange rocks around us and underfoot. Whilst the sea is shallow I have had a good drenching and have had to put my clothes out to dry as I write this journal entry. This first day at sea has been quite an adventure, though the fog has followed us all day and it’s been unsettling at how quiet it is out there.

Not far out from Crag’s End we came upon a shallow bay and half buried structure. Unsure if this was Crown Isle, I persuaded Pod to take a pause and ventured inside, but there wasn’t much to these buried ruins except a chamber and a bit of treasure, which I have put in my bag for future trade. You never know what you might find in these old places. Since this place couldn’t be Crown Isle, we continued onwards across the sea and found a strange island with crenellations like a castle, which Pod seemed to think was a large dead Rook sunk under the waves. I’ve only heard rumours of ones so big, but Pod and I both agreed to give it a wide berth, just in case it was only sleeping and woke up. I don’t think Pod would be much good at jousting whilst treading water amongst the surf.

An unpleasant encounter after lunch gave me a bit of a shake as an enormous sea creature came swimming by and gave us a bit of a shove. I must admit I wasn’t entirely paying attention to the waves and didn’t get a good look at it, but I did manage to keep hold of the saddle and avoid going in the drink. Who knew that such things lived out here in the sea? There was nothing in the records that the Lore Keeper told me about – maybe someone should look into that to prepare further travellers out this way!

We did find another small island with a castle tower sticking above the waves and I was tempted to go inside for an explore. The doorway entered into a chamber which led to a stair that seemed to be airtight against the water, but I could see lights further down the stairs and could hear rough voices deep within and I decided that a lone squire without a mount wasn’t much use to anyone. Pod agreed and we continued on our way. I am not a coward, I am simply on a mission with a higher purpose. Even at Pod’s pace, I doubt that was Crown Isle. Maybe I’ll have a peek inside on the way back.

As we came to another small rocky island, which Pod and I have used as an anchor point for tonight, we spied another sea creature swim by. This time I was paying attention and it looked like a large snakey body with bright glowing eyes and a huge mouth with teeth. This time it didn’t come any closer, though I did yell at is in the hope of scaring it off and waved my sword a bit. Maybe it’s the same one from earlier. Maybe it was hoping for an easy lunch. Not today fish-thing!

The fog has closed in on us this evening as the light has failed, and with Pod perching on the rock I have been forced to erect the tent around the saddle and lit a small fire for cooking down on the rock and for light to write this journal. I’m not sure I’m fond of sea travel, but hopefully tomorrow we’ll find Crown Isle and begin our adventure. But tonight I’ll be sure to tie myself firmly to Pod. Just incase. 

Goodnight Pod. Goodnight journal. 

This adventure was generated using the solo journalling game Colostle, created by Nich Angell. The game is played using a notebook, your imagination and playing cards to create prompts during your Exploration phase and to resolve Conflict should it arise. For more information or to purchase your own digital or hardcopy of the rules, visit Further modules are available through the Colostle Patreon or in “The Roomlands” expansion, which includes a guided adventure, available in print and digital form in the shop.

2 responses to “There is a Castle #1”

  1. […] the second installment of Rippers and the introduction of solo journalling RP Colostle in “There is a Castle” and creative storytelling using the Call to Adventure board game in “Adventure […]

  2. […] content came about with the solo journalling game Colostle and the adventures in “There is a Castle“, in a semi-return to my old LARP content. Here we met Malek and Pod on their quest for the […]

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